U.S. delays enforcing tougher ID rules until May 2023: DHS

U.S. delays enforcing tougher ID rules until May 2023: DHS

3 years ago
Anonymous $f-b3Pf4iLZ


The U.S. Homeland Security Department confirmed on Tuesday it will delay enforcement of rules requiring Americans to get new identification cards in order to board airplanes or enter a federal building by another 19 months until May 3, 2023.

U.S. delays enforcing tougher ID rules until May 2023: DHS

Apr 27, 2021, 7:15pm UTC
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-identification-dhs/u-s-delays-enforcing-tougher-id-rules-until-may-2023-dhs-idUSKBN2CE2G8 >The U.S. Homeland Security Department confirmed on Tuesday it will delay enforcement of rules requiring Americans to get new identification cards in order to board airplanes or enter a federal building by another 19 months until May 3, 2023.