Patent Troll Sable Networks Apparently Needs To Learn A Lesson: Cloudflare Wants To Destroy Another Troll
In The Princess Bride, the character of Vizzini famously says: "Ha ha, you fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous of which is 'never get involved in a land war in Asia,' but only slightly less well-known is this: 'Never go in against a Sicilian when DEATH is on the line.'" I don't know if it's surpassed either of those yet, but quickly moving up the list would be "Never try to patent troll Cloudflare." Apparently, the patent troll Sable Networks has just made exactly that blunder.
About a decade ago, the online retailer Newegg pioneered the strategy of attacking back on patent trolls. The entire patent trolling business model is based on the fact that it is almost always cheaper to settle a patent trolling case than to fight it and win. A full patent trial will cost over a million dollars easily, and sometimes multiples of that. But many patent trolls file a ton of lawsuits, hoping to settle each for well less than what it takes to fight in court. It's a true extortionate scam. Newegg, however, took the long view, and recognized that if it refused to give in and refused to settle, eventually the trolls would realize that it simply wasn't ever worth suing Newegg. Newegg even made "Never Settle" t-shirts to advertise its strategy to trolls. And, eventually, it worked. Though it did involve a few costly patent trials, patent trolls mostly learned to steer clear of Newegg.