WhatsApp Will Start Displaying an In-App Banner to Provide More Insight to New Policy

WhatsApp Will Start Displaying an In-App Banner to Provide More Insight to New Policy

3 years ago
Anonymous $rH7oE7DjRg


News broke earlier this year about WhatsApp mandating data sharing with Facebook, and while it was not as serious as people thought it would be, the policy change came with a backlash from users worldwide. While most users were okay with this policy change because let's admit it, what even is privacy in the modern-day and age, the reason why many got upset was the way WhatsApp was doing it. You see, previously, you had the choice to opt-out of something of such nature, but this time, it was mandatory, and not doing so would have resulted in losing your WhatsApp account.

Needless to say, things did get serious, and the Turkish government even proposed an anti-trust investigation on WhatsApp. WhatsApp decided to halt the policy change but did clarify that it will take place eventually, and they are just giving the users more time to read about the new policy changes.