How the Internet Has Turned Into the Modern-Day Battlefield

How the Internet Has Turned Into the Modern-Day Battlefield

4 years ago
Anonymous $rH7oE7DjRg

Over the last decade cybersecurity has morphed from the fringes of popular culture into the mainstream. Nowadays, the idea of hackers has completely migrated from the aged trope of a dude in a hoodie living in his parents basement, into the diverse group of hackers (and realistic hacks) portrayed on a show like Mr. Robot. The NSA, once nicknamed the “No-Such-Agency” because nobody knew what it was, has a Twitter account that tweets about the supposedly amazing work-life balance it offers its spies.

When it comes to geopolitics, the so-called ‘cyber’ and the realm of the internet has become a serious battlefield and a space where enemy states have traded disinformation campaigns and can have things like a power plant knocked out by a string of code. Since 2011, New York Times journalist Nicole Perlroth has been reporting on the secret world of cybersecurity and the arsenals of malware that nation states are stockpiling.