Indian Government Threatens To Jail Twitter Employees For Restoring Accounts The Government Wants Blocked

Indian Government Threatens To Jail Twitter Employees For Restoring Accounts The Government Wants Blocked

3 years ago
Anonymous $K6XgmDN5_o

We keep pointing out to people the very slippery slope that happens when we say it's okay for the government to tell websites how they have to moderate. And what's happening in India is a very important case study. As you're hopefully aware, there have been ongoing farmer protests in India, as farmers are quite upset about regulatory changes that they fear will destroy their businesses. The protests have been going on for weeks, but things have recently escalated to include some violence.

Prime Minister Narendra Mohdi is responding to all of this in a similar fashion to what he's done before: by cracking down on free speech and going after his critics. It started with full internet blackouts in places where the protesters were, with the government claiming it was necessary to cut off the internet to "maintain public safety" (yeah, right). Then, the government demanded that Twitter block the accounts of various journalists, publications, and celebrities who have been critical of Mohdi. Twitter complied, but after widespread criticism, it turned those accounts back on, apparently telling the Indian government that the tweets were protected free speech and newsworthy.