Germany KBA watchdog also looking into Tesla touchscreen failures: paper

Germany KBA watchdog also looking into Tesla touchscreen failures: paper

3 years ago
Anonymous $y15ULlV7sG


Germany's motor vehicle authority (KBA) is looking into safety risks related to touchscreen displays in Tesla cars and has asked the U.S. auto maker to provide information following a similar request by U.S. authorities, a KBA spokesman was quoted as saying.

Germany KBA watchdog also looking into Tesla touchscreen failures: paper

Jan 23, 2021, 11:18pm UTC
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-tesla-safety-germany/germany-kba-watchdog-also-looking-into-tesla-touchscreen-failures-paper-idUSKBN29S0PY >Germany's motor vehicle authority (KBA) is looking into safety risks related to touchscreen displays in Tesla cars and has asked the U.S. auto maker to provide information following a similar request by U.S. authorities, a KBA spokesman was quoted as saying.