NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Mobility GPU Specifications & Benchmark Leak Out, GA104 With 5120 Cores, 8 GB GDDR6 Memory & 17% Slower Than Desktop RTX 3070

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Mobility GPU Specifications & Benchmark Leak Out, GA104 With 5120 Cores, 8 GB GDDR6 Memory & 17% Slower Than Desktop RTX 3070

4 years ago
Anonymous $y15ULlV7sG


The specifications of NVIDIA's GeForce RTX 3070 mobility graphics card have been confirmed within a listing over at Geekbench. The listing was spotted by TUM_APISAK and shows the next-gen RTX 30 series mobility GPU running in the OpenCL test suite.

Just a few days ago, we got to see the first listings for the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 30 series mobility lineup along with some preliminary specifications. It seems like those specifications might end up being true since they match the ones from today's leak. Also, based on the clock speeds alone, we can tell that this is the Max-Q variant of the GeForce RTX 3070 instead of the Max-P variant which would offer much higher clock speeds.