Random People Buying the Constitution as a Meme Is the Future of Everything
You've probably seen the news: cryptocurrency investors are trying to buy a copy of the U.S. Constitution at a Sotheby's auction this week. So far, the group, called ConstitutionDAO, has raised $13 million in a matter of days from strangers online, many of whom donated modest amounts with notes attached saying populist things like, "here to rug billionaire private collectors," "wagmi" (crypto-speak for We Are Going to Make It), the newly-coined "wagbtc" (We Are Going to Buy The Constitution), and even the lyrics to the socialist anthem "L'Internationale."
What started as a curiosity has turned into a self-styled revolt against moneyed elites, similar to the internet-led GameStop investment craze, but with a copy of the founding document of the United States at the center of it all. In other words, the type of thing that wealthy elites normally buy. "If any billionaires outbid @ContitutionDAO I just really want them to know that makes them a literal cartoon villain," wrote one Twitter user quote-tweeted by ConstitutionDAO. "It belongs with the people."