Tesla Drivers Say They Can Easily Cheat Tesla's Safety Score
When Tesla released the Safety Score, a beta program that rates drivers on various metrics automatically recorded by the car to determine eligibility for another beta program called Full Self-Driving beta, drivers immediately started figuring out how to game the system to get a high score without actually driving any safer. But some Tesla owners say they have found a way to neutralize the Safety Score entirely by either not sending data to Tesla or resetting their score.
Because Tesla—unlike insurance companies that also use driving behavior to calculate rates—tells drivers exactly what metrics it uses, like hard braking and close following, drivers can avoid those behaviors even when doing so might be the safer option, like stopping at yellow lights or braking for cyclists. It also means drivers can predict with reasonable accuracy if any given drive will result in their score going up or down. This ability to intuit the impact any given action will have on their score wouldn’t be a big deal, except some drivers claim to have figured out a way to erase the data from each drive before it ends, assuring it is never factored into their safety scores. And since Tesla is using Safety Scores to rate driver risk in calculating insurance rates for its in-house insurance offering, it could theoretically make Tesla’s car insurance cheaper even if people drive poorly. It’s the Safety Score equivalent of resetting the game console to prevent it from saving the dumb thing you just did.