T-minus 72 hours to save $100 on passes to TC Sessions: Space 2021
Our countdown to early-bird savings is underway here at TechCrunch Central. You have just 72 hours left to save $100 on passes to TC Sessions: Space 2021, which takes place on December 14-15. Don’t miss this global gathering of the people who are literally pushing the boundaries of science and technology to envision, invent and build a sustainable future in space.
Savvy savings tip: Buy your early-bird pass before October 15 at 11:59 pm (PT) and take advantage of full-event access at a discounted price.
T-minus 72 hours to save $100 on passes to TC Sessions: Space 2021
Oct 13, 2021, 5:24pm UTC
> Our countdown to early-bird savings is underway here at TechCrunch Central. You have just 72 hours left to save $100 on passes to TC Sessions: Space 2021, which takes place on December 14-15. Don’t miss this global gathering of the people who are literally pushing the boundaries of science and technology to envision, invent and build a sustainable future in space.
> Savvy savings tip: Buy your early-bird pass before October 15 at 11:59 pm (PT) and take advantage of full-event access at a discounted price.