Has Facebook Been Hacked? BGP Records Vanish As Employees Plunged In Logistical Nightmare
Either of two things has happened at Facebook. It has either been the target of a massive hack, or someone somewhere has screwed up in a major fashion. We are getting reports that the depth of the outage has various moving parts and is not simply a basic DNS error. This is something that will take hours at a bare minimum to fix and could even take days.
Briankrebs, whose self describes as "Independent investigative journalist. Covers cybercrime, security, privacy. Author of 'Spam Nation,' a NYT bestseller. Former Washington Post reporter, '95-'09" quickly confirmed that it was indeed the DNS records that were causing the issue. DNS errors for Fortune500 are usually resolved within minutes but it looks like Facebook has become the victim of either one of the biggest hacks in history or a massive human error because Facebook's authoritative BGP records have been withdrawn (seemingly by the company):