Don’t count on any Apple fireworks on Wall Street next week

Don’t count on any Apple fireworks on Wall Street next week

7 years ago
Anonymous $wKBR2uNMvM

Barring Apple coming out with a delayed launch date for the next-generation iPhone, the guts of which are basically laid out on the Internet already, Apple’s shares are probably not going to see the kinds of explosive activity you might expect around something as hyped as a massive iPhone revision.

Instead, Wall Street — which has spent months and months modeling Apple’s future, reading the tea leaves, and trying to chase down as many leads as it can — is walking into the event on Tuesday with as much of a good idea as the average consumer that reads, say, TechCrunch. Since these expectations are set, there typically aren’t any real surprises Apple could come out with that would force Wall Street to reassess the future of the company, and thus send the stock swinging upward or downward.