Microsoft’s Shareholders Demand Right-to-Repair
Microsoft shareholders have filed a resolution demanding the company seriously consider making its products easier to repair. As You Sow, a non-profit that specializes in shareholder advocacy, delivered the shareholder resolution on Thursday.
According to As You Sow, the right-to-repair is important to Microsoft’s shareholders because discarded electronics are destroying the world’s environment, and Microsoft has pledged to help it stop.
Microsoft’s Shareholders Demand Right-to-Repair
Jun 25, 2021, 4:20pm UTC
> Microsoft shareholders have filed a resolution demanding the company seriously consider making its products easier to repair. As You Sow, a non-profit that specializes in shareholder advocacy, delivered the shareholder resolution on Thursday.
> According to As You Sow, the right-to-repair is important to Microsoft’s shareholders because discarded electronics are destroying the world’s environment, and Microsoft has pledged to help it stop.