Exclusive: Facebook rejects talks with Australia publisher, may test online law

Exclusive: Facebook rejects talks with Australia publisher, may test online law

3 years ago
Anonymous $LNMzUc6XNz


Australia's competition watchdog is looking into a claim that Facebook Inc refused a publisher's request to negotiate a licensing deal, the regulator told Reuters, setting the stage for the first test of the world's toughest online content law.

Exclusive: Facebook rejects talks with Australia publisher, may test online law

Jun 25, 2021, 11:20am UTC
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-australia-facebook-exclusive/exclusive-facebook-rejects-talks-with-australia-publisher-may-test-online-law-idUSKCN2E10JD >Australia's competition watchdog is looking into a claim that Facebook Inc refused a publisher's request to negotiate a licensing deal, the regulator told Reuters, setting the stage for the first test of the world's toughest online content law.