Court Tosses Both FTC And States' Antitrust Cases Against Facebook; You Gotta Have More Than 'Big Facebook Bad'
As you'll almost certainly recall, last December the FTC filed an antitrust case against Facebook. That happened the same day 46 states (and DC and Guam) also sued Facebook for antitrust violations in a separate case. Also it was right after the DOJ went after Google on antitrust grounds.
On Monday a judge ruled on both the cases against Facebook -- and dismissed them both. In both cases, the Court highlights the very problems we noted in our initial writeup about these cases. They seem to assume that "obviously" Facebook is a monopoly and "obviously" it's doing anti-competitive bad stuff. But... the problem with insisting that it's all "obvious" is that you have to actually show that in your complaint. And that didn't happen in either of these cases.