Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Ridiculous Lawsuit Against Facebook Gets Tossed Out Of Court
As you may recall, last summer we wrote about what we referred to as an "insanely stupid" lawsuit that Robert F. Kennedy had filed against Facebook on behalf of his wacky anti-vax organization "Children's Health Defense" (CHD). The issue, of course, is that Facebook blocked CHD from posting the usual conspiracy theories and medical disinformation that RFK Jr. has been known to spread. But the case tried out some "new" theories on why such moderation was against the law: specifically, it argued that Section 230 turned websites into state actors by "privatizing" censorship and also that because Rep. Adam Schiff had sent a letter to Facebook asking it to crack down on disinformation on vaccines, that this also made them a state actor.
A few months later, disgraced (and suspended) Yale law professor Jed Rubenfeld published a Wall St. Journal op-ed pushing the same dopey theory about 230 making private companies state actors. So it wasn't all that surprising when it came time for a hearing on RFK's dopey case, Rubenfeld showed up in court to push the idea on behalf of Children's Health Defense.