GALAX Unveils The GeForce RTX 3080 Ti HOF OC Lab With An All-White Design & Unrivaled Overclocking Abilities
When it comes to the top graphics cards for overclocking, the GALAX Hall of Fame series cards are great options for those looking to push their card to the limit. Now, GALAX has unveiled a HOF series card for the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti in their latest Facebook post.
When compared to the GALAX RTX 3090 HOF OC Lab, there haven't been any big changes to the card. The GALAX RTX 3080 Ti HOC OC Lab will have the signature white PCB seen on the HOF series graphic cards, but GALAX has yet to share a photo of the PCB. Looking from the outside in, we can see that the card is powered using a triple 8-pin PCIe power connector, but lacks the NVLink connector whilst still having the backplate cutout. On top of the reference TDP of both the RTX 3080 Ti and 3090 being 350W, this leads us to believe the PCB is identical or almost identical on the RTX 3080 Ti when compared to the RTX 3090.