It's Not Too Late To Submit Something To The Public Domain Game Jam!
By now, you've probably heard about Gaming Like It's 1926, our fourth annual public domain game jam celebrating the new works that entered the public domain this year. The clock is ticking on the jam, but there's still time — entries are due by January 31st, which means you've got the weekend to put something together if you sign up now and get started!
(If you need some ideas on how to make a game quickly, check out Story Synth, created by our partner in running these game jams, Randy Lubin.)
It's Not Too Late To Submit Something To The Public Domain Game Jam!
Jan 29, 2022, 1:15am UTC
> By now, you've probably heard about Gaming Like It's 1926, our fourth annual public domain game jam celebrating the new works that entered the public domain this year. The clock is ticking on the jam, but there's still time — entries are due by January 31st, which means you've got the weekend to put something together if you sign up now and get started!
> (If you need some ideas on how to make a game quickly, check out Story Synth, created by our partner in running these game jams, Randy Lubin.)