Oversight Board Overturning Instagram Takedown Of Ayahuasca Post Demonstrates The Impossibility Of Content Moderation
Teens have easier access to drugs as illegal trade booms on social mediaCongress has been holding lots of "but think of the children online!" hearings over the past couple of months, and one prominent topic that comes up over and over again is the fact that people can find "drug" information online. Fears about kids and drugs goes back decades, but politicians love it, because it always works. And, of course, the media loves to run these overhyped stories. A quick search finds dozens of stories like the following in just the last month or so:
Instagram pushes drug content to teens
Social media platforms becoming sites of illegal fentanyl drug sales targeting teens, L.A. officials warn
WARNING: Dealers tempt kids with edible drugs via social media
Record number of drug overdose deaths brings new scrutiny to social media apps
Instagram offers 'drug pipeline' to kids, tech advocacy group claims
There are many more such stories, but you get the idea. The Instagram stories, in particular, were targeted by the recent Senate hearing which was focused on allowing Senators to grandstand on how bad Instagram supposedly is for kids. Instagram responded to the report by pointing out that it's doing a ton of stuff to try to block such content:
"We removed 1.8 million pieces of content related to drug sales in the last quarter alone, and due to our improving detection technology, the prevalence of such content is about 0.05 percent of content viewed, or about 5 views per every 10,000. We'll continue to improve in this area in our ongoing efforts to keep Instagram safe, particularly for our youngest community members."