Matrox Developing Embedded Graphics Cards with NVIDIA

Matrox Developing Embedded Graphics Cards with NVIDIA

5 years ago
Anonymous $yQ5BfQaAxy

Yesterday Matrox announced that they are collaborating with NVIDIA for the development of a new range of multi-display embedded graphics cards. These cards are planned to be used for high-density video walls. Using NVIDIA's industry-renowned GPU technology, Matrox is planning to design innovations that are powered by a custom-built Quadro embedded GPUs to accelerate graphics-intensive video wall applications. These video walls are expected to be used in both the commercial space and 24/7 critical environments.

Using NVIDIA's industry-renowned GPU technology, Matrox is planning to design innovations that are powered by a custom-built Quadro embedded GPUs to accelerate graphics-intensive video wall applications. These video walls are expected to be used in both the commercial space and 24/7 critical environments.