Report Says Saudi Prince MBS's Whatsapp Account Personally Sent Jeff Bezos Malware Used To Access His Phone
Things sure are getting even more bizarre in the world of the rich, famous, and powerful. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (usually called "MBS") is now being accused of personally being involved in the hacking of Jeff Bezos' phone to get data that was eventually used against him by the National Enquirer. This is a soap opera-level story that involves a bit of background.
You may recall that, approximately a year ago, Jeff Bezos put out quite a Medium post, entitled: No thank you, Mr. Pecker, in which he exposed an attempt by David Pecker's National Enquirer to engage in what sure looks like a blackmail effort to silence Washington Post (which Bezos owns) reporting efforts. The post came about a month after the National Enquirer had released evidence of an affair that Bezos was having, including releasing personal text messages (the National Enqurier release came hours after Bezos himself announced he was getting a divorce from his wife). According to Bezos' blog post, the Enquirer had also threatened to release personal photos of Bezos if he did not call off an investigation he had launched into how the National Enquirer had obtained those text messages.