Why Uber's new CEO is the perfect antidote to Travis Kalanick

Why Uber's new CEO is the perfect antidote to Travis Kalanick

6 years ago
Anonymous $wKBR2uNMvM


While Uber's choice for CEO, Dara Khosrowshahi, may seem less familiar than choices like Meg Whitman or Jeff Immelt, Khosrowshahi knows who matters.

Sources told CNBC he's seen as a very qualified and respected choice for Uber's CEO.

Why Uber's new CEO is the perfect antidote to Travis Kalanick

Aug 29, 2017, 12:12am UTC
https://www.cnbc.com/2017/08/28/ubers-new-ceo-expedia-boss-dara-khosrowshahis-powerful-network.html >While Uber's choice for CEO, Dara Khosrowshahi, may seem less familiar than choices like Meg Whitman or Jeff Immelt, Khosrowshahi knows who matters. >Sources told CNBC he's seen as a very qualified and respected choice for Uber's CEO.