Habana Labs – Artificial Intelligence Firm Acquired by Intel

Habana Labs – Artificial Intelligence Firm Acquired by Intel

4 years ago
Anonymous $9ruWwTnhZq


Intel has announced the acquisition of Habana Labs, an Israeli artificial intelligence firm. Through the acquisition of Habana Labs, Intel is furthering its investment into the artificial intelligence field, an area where Intel has already tested the waters with its Nervana Neural Network processors.

Intel's acquisition of Habana Labs will further enable Intel to dive into the artificial intelligence market, and in doing so, will take on the likes of NVIDIA and AMD, both of which have developed AI accelerators in the form of Tesla and Radeon Instinct branded GPUs. Intel has estimated the AI market to have a total valuation of $25 billion by 2024, and with Intel being the largest of the three companies, Intel would like to capitalize on the expanding landscape, something only possible with the technologies developed by Habana Labs. For 2019 alone, Intel expects year-over-year growth in terms of AI-driven revenue upwards of 20%.