Broadcom Ships its first 25.6 TBps switch on 7nm.

Broadcom Ships its first 25.6 TBps switch on 7nm.

5 years ago
Anonymous $9ruWwTnhZq

Broadcom has started sending out its Tomahawk 4 switch to cloud providers like Microsoft and Alibaba. The chip offers 31 billion transistors on TSMC's 7nm process and has 64 ports of 400 GbE switching.

This switch is currently the first that is capable of 25.6TBps. Many large cloud providers like Google, Microsoft, Uber, and Tencent are all early adopters which makes sense as these larger cloud providers utilize faster internet to make their cloud services faster. The speed is achieved by having 50G PAM4 SerDes, a monolithic 31 billion transistor chip using the 7nm process. The Tomahawk 4 has support for up to 256 ports of 100 GbE with the highest radix of 100 GbE solutions. There are a couple of new features like the feature of advanced load balancing mechanisms, Broadcom is opening up its switch API as open-source software with the introduction of Broadcom Open Network Switch APIs. With Broadcom allowing their API to be open source allows for altercations by programmers.