Devin Nunes' Virginia SLAPP Suits Causing Virginia Legislators To Consider A New Anti-SLAPP Law
We've been covering all the various SLAPP suits filed by Devin Nunes against his critics, journalists, political operatives, and (most famously) a satirical internet cow. As we've noted, despite Nunes being a Representative from California, and despite the fact that many of the people and companies he's targeting are California-based, he's filed most of the suits in Virginia state court. The reasons for this seemed fairly obvious to many commentators. Virginia has a very weak anti-SLAPP law. California has a very robust one.
We were actually a bit surprised to see Nunes file one lawsuit in California, but he quickly dropped it to file a related lawsuit... back in Virginia. His one other non-Virginia lawsuit was filed in Iowa which has no anti-SLAPP law at all.