Modern Warfare was doing everything right, then it pay-walled death counts
Modern Warfare developer Infinity Ward appears to have broken its promise not to split up the Call of Duty community. As one Redditor noticed, the new Season One update comes with a purchasable content bundle featuring an in-game wristwatch that keeps track of its wearer’s death count. As far as we can tell, the only way to obtain this item is through a micro transaction using real money or purchasable in-game currency.
Death counts – the number of times a player has died during a match – are not listed on the in-game scoreboards in some of Modern Warfare‘s most popular multiplayer game modes, including ‘team death match’ and ‘kill confirmed’. Previous titles in the franchise have always had an in-game scoreboard showing the standard “score,” “kills,” “deaths,” and “assists” totals. Infinity Ward decided, for whatever reason, to change that this year.