Researcher Releases Data on 100,000 Phishing Attempts to Teach You How to Not Get Hacked

Researcher Releases Data on 100,000 Phishing Attempts to Teach You How to Not Get Hacked

4 years ago
Anonymous $9ruWwTnhZq

A security researcher who specializes in tracking government hacking attempts published 25GB of data on 100,000 phishing attacks on Monday.

A phishing attack is a legitimate-seeming but fraudulent email or website that tricks a target into sharing their personal information—like username and password—with a hacker. Phishing is an incredibly common way to hack people and carry out cyberespionage corporations. Phishing is the primary attack vector in 32 percent of all data breaches analyzed by Verizon for its annual data breach and incident response (DBIR) report.