Journalists Publish List Of Convicted Cops The State's Attorney General Said Was Illegal For Them To Have

Journalists Publish List Of Convicted Cops The State's Attorney General Said Was Illegal For Them To Have

5 years ago
Anonymous $xdcOWPpsb_


The list of convicted cops the California Attorney General tried to keep secret has just been made searchable by the Sacramento Bee. It contains hundreds of current and former police officers who've been convicted of criminal acts over the last ten years.

This collaboration of multiple newsrooms and journalism advocates began with an unforced error by a state agency. Taking advantage of a new state law allowing the public to access police misconduct records, journalists asked the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training for relevant documents. The agency handed over a list of 12,000 former and current officers -- a list that apparently was never supposed to be made public.

Journalists Publish List Of Convicted Cops The State's Attorney General Said Was Illegal For Them To Have

Nov 15, 2019, 8:36pm UTC
https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20191110/16055943358/journalists-publish-list-convicted-cops-states-attorney-general-said-was-illegal-them-to-have.shtml > The list of convicted cops the California Attorney General tried to keep secret has just been made searchable by the Sacramento Bee. It contains hundreds of current and former police officers who've been convicted of criminal acts over the last ten years. > This collaboration of multiple newsrooms and journalism advocates began with an unforced error by a state agency. Taking advantage of a new state law allowing the public to access police misconduct records, journalists asked the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training for relevant documents. The agency handed over a list of 12,000 former and current officers -- a list that apparently was never supposed to be made public.