Samsung 7nm EUV To Reverse 77% Profit Drop, Commence Delivery In Q4
In mobile semiconductor fabrication, two players have dominated the spectrum for long. Korean tech giant Samsung and Taiwanese company TSMC are at the top of their game, with companies from China and the US not able to churn out bleeding-edge silicon. TSMC has risen to prominence lately, primary due to two reasons. Firstly, it allows Apple to compete effectively with Qualcomm and secondly it lets AMD push performance on high-end PC processors.
Samsung didn't take the lead in delivering 7nm EUV products this year, and TSMC, therefore, gained an edge.. Now we've got more details about Samsung's semiconductor fabrication, particularly about its 7nm EUV node.. Samsung made chips might make it on Qualcomm and Nvidia's products in the future, and therefore, 7nm EUV will shape the future of both mobile and desktop/server-grade hardware. Take a look below for more details.