Zuckerberg reassures U.S. Congress on Facebook's digital currency plans

Zuckerberg reassures U.S. Congress on Facebook's digital currency plans

4 years ago
Anonymous $xdcOWPpsb_


Facebook Inc CEO Mark Zuckerberg sought to reassure skeptical U.S. lawmakers on Wednesday that the company's planned digital currency Libra would be a force for good that could reduce costs for electronic payments and help more people participate in the global financial system.

Zuckerberg reassures U.S. Congress on Facebook's digital currency plans

Oct 23, 2019, 4:19pm UTC
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-facebook-congress/zuckerberg-reassures-u-s-congress-on-facebooks-digital-currency-plans-idUSKBN1X2167 >Facebook Inc CEO Mark Zuckerberg sought to reassure skeptical U.S. lawmakers on Wednesday that the company's planned digital currency Libra would be a force for good that could reduce costs for electronic payments and help more people participate in the global financial system.