Facebook Employees Have Launched Their First Major Protest Against Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook Employees Have Launched Their First Major Protest Against Mark Zuckerberg

4 years ago
Anonymous $xdcOWPpsb_


Hundreds of Facebook employees have signed onto a letter protesting the company’s decision last month to allow politicians to post false statements in advertisements on the social media site.

“Our current policies on fact checking people in political office, or those running for office, are a threat to what FB stands for,” the letter obtained by The New York Times and signed by more than 250 Facebook employees, says. “We strongly object to this policy as it stands. It doesn’t protect voices, but instead allows politicians to weaponize our platform by targeting people who believe that content posted by political figures is trustworthy.”

Facebook Employees Have Launched Their First Major Protest Against Mark Zuckerberg

Oct 29, 2019, 1:19pm UTC
https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/gyznxm/facebook-employees-have-launched-their-first-major-protest-against-mark-zuckerberg > Hundreds of Facebook employees have signed onto a letter protesting the company’s decision last month to allow politicians to post false statements in advertisements on the social media site. > “Our current policies on fact checking people in political office, or those running for office, are a threat to what FB stands for,” the letter obtained by The New York Times and signed by more than 250 Facebook employees, says. “We strongly object to this policy as it stands. It doesn’t protect voices, but instead allows politicians to weaponize our platform by targeting people who believe that content posted by political figures is trustworthy.”