Visa, Mastercard shun Facebook's Libra digital currency plan
NEW YORK (AP) — Visa and Mastercard are dropping out of Facebook's Libra project, a potentially fatal blow to the social network's plan for a worldwide digital currency.
Along with the two payment giants, several other large companies have announced their departures from Libra. Payment processing company Stripe said it was stepping back, as well as online auction company eBay.
Visa, Mastercard shun Facebook's Libra digital currency plan
Oct 11, 2019, 9:21pm UTC
> NEW YORK (AP) — Visa and Mastercard are dropping out of Facebook's Libra project, a potentially fatal blow to the social network's plan for a worldwide digital currency.
> Along with the two payment giants, several other large companies have announced their departures from Libra. Payment processing company Stripe said it was stepping back, as well as online auction company eBay.