LastPass to Support Google Pixel 4’s Face Unlock

LastPass to Support Google Pixel 4’s Face Unlock

4 years ago
Anonymous $JavybBYWR5

Google's Pixel 4 series completely ditched the fingerprint sensor and put all its eggs in the Face Unlock basket. It isn't necessarily a bad thing, as the technology involved in the process is top-notch and on par with Apple's Face ID. Since there is no other form of biometric authentication on the Pixel 4, all apps that previously relied on fingerprints will now have to rely on Face Unlock. It includes a bevy of apps ranging from Google Pay to banking apps and even password managers such as LastPass. Password managers make life a whole lot easier by eliminating the need to enter a password into apps/websites. Today, LastPass just announced that they'd support the Google Pixel 4's Face Unlock as a valid method of authentication. According to their press release:

Google’s Pixel 4 offers a passwordless solution that enables users to authenticate into their applications using facial recognition as opposed to a traditional username and password, providing a more seamless login experience for users coupled with higher levels of security. Our customers who use a Google Pixel 4 device will soon be able to authenticate into LastPass using the Pixel 4’s facial recognition technology.