Launch of Facebook's Libra could be delayed over regulatory concerns: executive

Launch of Facebook's Libra could be delayed over regulatory concerns: executive

5 years ago
Anonymous $MUlyiGRWxa


The launch of Facebook's Libra could be pushed back to tackle the regulatory concerns that have been raised around the world, the head of the organization set up to oversee the cryptocurrency told Reuters.

Launch of Facebook's Libra could be delayed over regulatory concerns: executive

Sep 27, 2019, 5:29pm UTC
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-facebook-libra/launch-of-facebooks-libra-could-be-delayed-over-regulatory-concerns-executive-idUSKBN1WC1DE >The launch of Facebook's Libra could be pushed back to tackle the regulatory concerns that have been raised around the world, the head of the organization set up to oversee the cryptocurrency told Reuters.