Facebook's Libra seeks payment system license from Swiss FINMA

Facebook's Libra seeks payment system license from Swiss FINMA

5 years ago
Anonymous $4ckUSNo_FL


The Facebook-led Libra cryptocurrency project is seeking a payment system license under Swiss financial watchdog FINMA, it said on Wednesday, spelling out in more detail how it hopes to be regulated.

Facebook's Libra seeks payment system license from Swiss FINMA

Sep 11, 2019, 6:17am UTC
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-facebook-cryptocurrency-finma/facebooks-libra-seeks-payment-system-license-from-swiss-finma-idUSKCN1VW0H6 >The Facebook-led Libra cryptocurrency project is seeking a payment system license under Swiss financial watchdog FINMA, it said on Wednesday, spelling out in more detail how it hopes to be regulated.