Google Agrees to Meet with YouTubers Union Right Before Deadline
Last month, FairTube—a collaboration between a group that calls itself the "YouTubers Union" and Europe’s largest trade union, IG Metall—sent Google a list of demands to achieve better working conditions. The letter gave YouTube with a deadline of August 23 to respond or else it would face “a shitstorm,” according to Jörg Sprave, the founder of the YouTubers Union who also has his own YouTube featuring custom-built elaborate slingshots. On the FairTube website, a countdown was set up and Sprave warned: "Tick-tock, the clock is ticking.”
On the last day, hours before the deadline, Google Germany sent a formal letter back to FairTube that said it had "a strong interest in the success and satisfaction of Youtube Creators" and “for this reason, we appreciate the recently expressed interest of the trade unions in supporting YouTube Creators.”