Huawei’s OS Internally Named ‘Project Z’; New Report Suggests That Company’s Dependency on Google’s Android May Last a Long Time
Google earlier cut off Huawei’s access from its apps and services as a result of the U.S. President’s Android ban, prompting the Chinese giant to accelerate its in-house operating system development efforts, with the Chinese media allegedly calling it HongMeng OS. The Chinese tech giant has reportedly been working on its own OS for several years, and some outlets even allege the OS has been in development since 2012.
Richard Yu, the company’s mobile boss recently allegedly said that the new platform will be ready by fall 2019 or spring 2020, but per a new report, the company is just putting up a brave face, and internally, there is a bit of turbulence. Project Z, which the OS has been apparently been named, might not be ready this quickly.