Limited Edition Anniversary Gear: The First Techdirt Logo!
>The current Techdirt logo has remained the same for quite some time, but extra-long-time readers might remember that there have actually been two other logos before this one. The very first one was created by Techdirt friend Audris and used until early 1999, and all that remains of it today is one small old JPEG with a lot of compression artifacts:
Limited Edition Anniversary Gear: The First Techdirt Logo!
Aug 23, 2017, 10:11pm UTC
>The current Techdirt logo has remained the same for quite some time, but extra-long-time readers might remember that there have actually been two other logos before this one. The very first one was created by Techdirt friend Audris and used until early 1999, and all that remains of it today is one small old JPEG with a lot of compression artifacts: