Apple Successfully Convinces iPhone Factory Partners to Use Renewable Energy to Make Its Mobile Devices
Apple is one company that presumably cares significantly about the environment, even if some of the steps needed affect its bottom line adversely. The company wants to run all of its operations on renewable energy and it has now added 15 more suppliers to the list of supply chain partners committed to using clean energy.
With suppliers such as Foxconn and TSMC on board, Apple now has 44 suppliers in the program. The company also expects to beat its goal of using 4 gigawatts of clean energy in it’s supply chain by next year as it hopes to bring 5 gigawatts in that time frame. It is worth mentioning that the announcement is not a conformation that the new suppliers have already met this goal. Apple’s Vice President of Environment, Policy and Social Initiatives Lisa Jackson, said that she believes that the new partners are fully committed to achieving the goal but didn’t say if any supplier will be dropped as a result of failure to comply.