5G-connected cows test milking parlor of the future

5G-connected cows test milking parlor of the future

5 years ago
Anonymous $fWzGa1uP8i


They may look like regular cows, but a herd of Friesian dairy cattle at a British farm are internet pioneers and they are enjoying the benefits of 5G connectivity before you.

5G-connected cows test milking parlor of the future

Apr 11, 2019, 1:35pm UTC
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-telecoms-5g-cows/5g-connected-cows-test-milking-parlor-of-the-future-idUSKCN1RN1IY >They may look like regular cows, but a herd of Friesian dairy cattle at a British farm are internet pioneers and they are enjoying the benefits of 5G connectivity before you.