'Hitler would have loved social media,' Disney CEO Bob Iger says in sharp rebuke of tech giants

'Hitler would have loved social media,' Disney CEO Bob Iger says in sharp rebuke of tech giants

5 years ago
Anonymous $fWzGa1uP8i


Disney CEO Bob Iger delivered a scalding rebuke of social media at a dinner at the Simon Wiesenthal Center Wednesday where he was honored with the 2019 Humanitarian Award.

"Hitler would have loved social media," Iger said, according to a report from Variety. The Wiesenthal Center bills itself as a global human rights group dedicated to researching the Holocaust and combating anti-Semitism and hate. "It's the most powerful marketing tool an extremist could ever hope for because by design social media reflects a narrow world view filtering out anything that challenges our beliefs while constantly validating our convictions and amplifying our deepest fears."