A Tim Cook Bio Is the Story of His Life — Not His Life Story
Lance UlanoffBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingApr 10Apple CEO Tim Cook (left) at the iPad Pro launch in 2018. Photo by Lance UlanoffReading Leander Kahney’s insightful if not terribly illuminating biography Tim Cook: The Genius Who Took Apple to the Next Level is like attending a dinner where the guest of honor never arrives. Cook’s persona is omnipresent in the nearly 300-page tome, but the man himself never takes a seat at the table.
Apple granted Kahney, who has written several Apple-inspired books, including Jony Ive and Inside Steve’s Brain, unprecedented access to key Apple executives who’ve worked alongside Cook at Apple for decades. As a result, we do finally gain some insight into those early, tumultuous months after Apple founder and CEO Steve Jobs died and Cook grabbed the wheel.