Yahoo! tries! again! with! $3biiilion! email! account! theft! payout!
The remnants of internet giant Yahoo! are once again in court with hopes of settling the case over their massive 2013 hack that saw every single one of its three billion email accounts pwned.
The company, once known as Jerry and David's Guide to the World Wide Web, has submitted a revised settlement package [PDF] to Judge Lucy Koh in the California Northern US District Court. The settlement, if accepted, would apply to Yahoo's small business and personal email account holders in the US and Israel.
Yahoo! tries! again! with! $3biiilion! email! account! theft! payout!
Apr 9, 2019, 7:15pm UTC
> The remnants of internet giant Yahoo! are once again in court with hopes of settling the case over their massive 2013 hack that saw every single one of its three billion email accounts pwned.
> The company, once known as Jerry and David's Guide to the World Wide Web, has submitted a revised settlement package [PDF] to Judge Lucy Koh in the California Northern US District Court. The settlement, if accepted, would apply to Yahoo's small business and personal email account holders in the US and Israel.