“We know what you did on your computer last night”
An innocent search. That’s all it was. I swear. I was just curious. It’s only a coincidence…… All the excuses I’m sure police hear time and time again when it comes to digital forensics. While I’m sure many of us are guilty of a weird search or two (true crime fanatics you know who you are), most of us don’t act on our search history and actually commit a crime. However, if you did happen to send an incriminating text, or carry out a search on something related to your crime, chances are digital forensics will find it, and your poor excuses won’t hold up long in court.
As technology has advanced over the years and become more prevalent in daily life, many criminal investigations now involved analysing a person’s technological devices. While digital evidence may not be as deterministic of guilt as DNA evidence, it is still very useful in criminal investigations for identifying potential motives, verifying alibis and telling a story to the jury.