Why We Need to Radically Reframe the Big Tech Debate

Why We Need to Radically Reframe the Big Tech Debate

5 years ago
Anonymous $syBn1NGQOq


‘Top Ten Reasons Why Technology is a Force of Evil’‘The Secret Truth About How Social Media Platforms are Ripping Society Apart’‘How a Killer Robot Takeover Could Destroy Humanity’How many times have we come across such eye-roll-inducing clickbait headlines? When it comes to debating the pros and cons of technology, even the so-called quality press seems to have jumped on the tabloid bandwagon, despite their purported seriousness.

When we are not being scaremongered, we are instead inundated with rosy pictures of techno-utopias painted by Silicon Valley behemoths. The likes of Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple, also known as Big Tech, religiously churn out carefully crafted mission statements each year. They celebrate the ubiquity of technology, whilst glossing over problems of accountability, transparency and privacy.

Why We Need to Radically Reframe the Big Tech Debate

Apr 4, 2019, 12:32am UTC
https://medium.com/swlh/why-we-need-to-radically-reframe-the-big-tech-debate-cc84c13a4a1c > ‘Top Ten Reasons Why Technology is a Force of Evil’‘The Secret Truth About How Social Media Platforms are Ripping Society Apart’‘How a Killer Robot Takeover Could Destroy Humanity’How many times have we come across such eye-roll-inducing clickbait headlines? When it comes to debating the pros and cons of technology, even the so-called quality press seems to have jumped on the tabloid bandwagon, despite their purported seriousness. > When we are not being scaremongered, we are instead inundated with rosy pictures of techno-utopias painted by Silicon Valley behemoths. The likes of Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple, also known as Big Tech, religiously churn out carefully crafted mission statements each year. They celebrate the ubiquity of technology, whilst glossing over problems of accountability, transparency and privacy.