Zoom forecasts sales surge as video conferencing becomes a daily routine

Zoom forecasts sales surge as video conferencing becomes a daily routine

3 years ago
Anonymous $UzyKJJH9oy


Zoom Video Communications Inc raised its annual revenue forecast by more than 30% after comfortably beating quarterly estimates on Monday as it converts more of its huge free user base to paid subscriptions.

Zoom forecasts sales surge as video conferencing becomes a daily routine

Aug 31, 2020, 9:29pm UTC
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-zoom-video-commn-results/zoom-forecasts-sales-surge-as-video-conferencing-becomes-a-daily-routine-idUSKBN25R2QM >Zoom Video Communications Inc raised its annual revenue forecast by more than 30% after comfortably beating quarterly estimates on Monday as it converts more of its huge free user base to paid subscriptions.