Pangu Team Demos iOS 14 Jailbreak at Mosec 2020, Release Imminent?
Apple debuted iOS 14 at its WWDC event with major changes under the hood as well as visually. While there are a plethora of features that the company will release with every beta update, we're still expecting a jailbreak later this year. According to the latest, the Pangu team has demonstrated a working iOS 14 jailbreaks at MOSEC 2020, a mobile security company.
iOS 14 jailbreak is running on Apple's iPhone 11 Pro and you can see the demo below by Pangu. However, we wouldn't advise you to get your hopes up for a potential release just yet. Developers will flaunt their discovery like that while not disclosing the future possibilities of the exploit. However, it is likely that the new tool will be released later this year but nothing can be said for certain at this stage.