What to expect from Apple’s WWDC 2020

What to expect from Apple’s WWDC 2020

4 years ago
Anonymous $GRbK1oXs9y


Okay, so, first and foremost, this is going to be a weird one. Mostly because it’s 2020 and everything is just weird now and we have to deal with that until the next, weirder thing comes along. But while an online-only World Wide Developer Conference is certainly unprecedented for Apple, there’s some recent online precedent from the competition that should give us a preview of what’s to come.

Microsoft’s Build was something of a mixed bag as the bellwether for company-hosted online-only developer conferences (Google notably skipped I/O altogether). CEO Satya Nadella’s bits were pretty much what they should have been: straightforward developer news delivered in a straightforward manner. The event was awkwardly anchored by a pair of employees serving as a kind of throughline for the multi-day show. Goofy developer humor was sprinkled in. It was sometimes painful, but largely benign.