There Can Be No Compromise In the Trump vs. Twitter Beef
As usual, only the littlest mouse was brave enough to put a bell around the cat. On Tuesday it was Tiny Twitter, not fearsome Facebook or ubiquitous YouTube, that moved to hold the president of the United States to account for his unhinged rants on social media. The platform had its choice of tirades to clean up: Trump’s foul insinuation that MSNBC host Joe Scarborough murdered an intern who died nearly two decades ago, or his false claim that mail-in ballots abet fraud rather than expanding the franchise in vital ways during a pandemic. Twitter chose the latter, since it relates to our democracy.
Below a presidential tweet claiming, “There is NO WAY (ZERO!) that Mail-In Ballots will be anything less than substantially fraudulent,” Twitter added an exclamation point and a link to “get the facts about mail-in ballots.” Arguably, the note could be read as an endorsement: Mail-in ballots are threatening our elections? Yes, I would like to learn the disturbing facts! But clicking brings a set of bullet points that describe Trump’s claims as “unsubstantiated.”