The Scale Of Moderating Facebook: It Turns Off 1 Million Accounts Every Single Day
For years now, we've discussed why it's problematic that people are demanding internet platforms moderate more and more speech. We should be quite wary of internet platforms taking on the role of the internet's police. First, they're really bad at it. As we noted in a recent post, platforms are horrendously bad at distinguishing abusive content from those documenting abusive content and that creates all sorts of unfortunate and bizarre results, with those targeted by harassing content often having their own accounts shut down. On top of that, the only way to actually moderate content at scale requires a set of rules, and any such set of rules, as applied, will create hysterically bad results. And that's because the scale of the problem is so massive. It's difficult for most people to comprehend even slightly the scale involved here. As a former Facebook employee who worked on this stuff once told me, "Facebook needs to make one million decisions each day -- one million today, one million tomorrow, one million the next day." The idea that they won't make errors (both of the Type 1 and Type 2 category) is laughable.
And it appears that the scale is only growing. Facebook has now admitted that it shuts off 1 million accounts every single day -- which means that earlier number I heard is way low. If it's killing one million accounts every day, that means it's making decisions on way more accounts than that. And, the company knows that it gets things wrong: